Thursday, July 12, 2012

Secrets or pearl - all about pearls

Over the last 6,000 years, known to mankind, nor incomparable beauty and elegance - pearls bestowed us the depths of the sea. The very nature of this very precious voyaet with such love that, unlike other precious stones, which require additional processing, pearls initially has a perfect shape and luster that makes it even more unique and exclusive in our minds.

The formation of pearls last for several years and begins with a completely random, the penetration of the smallest grain of sand in the clam shell. It is in the sink, and there is a magical creation of pearls. Over time, the mollusk produces a pearl, which gradually envelops the grain of sand, turning it into an exquisite jewel.

By the legendary pearls that hit the human consciousness for centuries, can be attributed.

Pearl of Allah, "the Pearl of Allah", which was found in 1934 near the Philippine Islands and weighed 6 pounds. Weight of shell, gave birth to a miracle, was no less impressive - 3 tons, and age was - 450 years old. This, the largest in the history of the pearl, with its unique shape resembles the head man in a turban, for which it got its famous name.

The most perfect, beautiful, is - pearl "Pellegrini", which has a perfect round shape and perfectly white.

In 1886, the Western Australian coast, was found the most unusual and unique in its form the pearl - the "Great Southern Cross." This gem is in the form of a cross, formed by nine, fused with each other pearls.

Types of pearls.
Type of pearls may vary in their place of origin: river and sea. Typically, the larger the pearl of the sea and the river is more expensive.
The color scheme, these gems can be quite varied, from white to black, with shades of pink, yellow, brown, blue and green pearl.

Shape pearls can also differ from each other: round and oval, pear-shaped, and of arbitrary shape.
In general, the three known types of pearls: natural, cultured and artificial.

The most rare and expensive, it is considered - natural pearls. These stones created by nature itself, without any human intervention than earned the exclusive right to be called a real pearl.
Virtually nothing is different in its characteristics from the natural - cultured pearls. But .. it suschesvuet certain proportion of human involvement. Namely, foreign body (a grain of sand) gets into a conch shell is not a natural way, and implantiruntsya it with the person.

For this "growing" pearls are specialized whole farm. It should be noted that to date, the vast majority of pearl Bijouterie is made of cultured pearls.

The use of dyes, which contain the natural mother of pearl, lets you create - an artificial pearl. Pearl color is extracted, usually made of fish scales and extracts of shellfish. After that, the precious iridescent "paint" is applied to the glass or, more cheap, plastic beads.

How to distinguish a fake?

A. Remember the important thing: a truly high-quality pearls - cheap does not happen. And, as if you did not try to convince the opposite - do not believe it!

Two. Very easy way to expose a fake - it is a pearl to the surface of the tooth. This stone must creak, and a fake just soskalznet with the tooth surface.

Three. Another feature of this pearl - it is his jumping ability. Therefore, it is enough to drop a stone from a height of pearl 50cm, to determine its authenticity. Mimic pearl Bijouterie, as a result of the fall, bounce barely noticeable, but the real gem show the height of the jump in full.

If you want to enjoy for many years its pearlescent pearl Bijouterie, do not be lazy to be a timely and proper care of them.

A. In no case, do not wash your pearls! Correctly update it will rub with olive oil. Only perform this procedure is desirable, as rarely as possible.

Two. Store your pearls in a soft box, separate from other Bijouterie.

Three. The storage place should have a neutral temperature and humidity, as well as to be beyond the reach of sunlight.

4. If you use any strong chemical solutions (may be part of cosmetics and perfumes), then wear your pearl Bijouterie is not earlier than 10 minutes after its application.

Five. If you ever wear your Bijouterie, be sure to once a year perenizyvayte pearls on a new thread. If you wear it from time to time, change the thread - once in two years.

6. Remember that Pearl has retained its beauty and youth for many years - you need to wear it as often as possible.

Nature has given us the opportunity to admire the exquisite beauty of natural pearls for 250-500 years, and cultured - 150 years old. Therefore, the careful and caring for this pearl Bijouterie, it will be able to enjoy not only you but your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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